Monday, December 30, 2013

Bumpdate Catch Up

I haven't updated with a baby post since 16 weeks... This is more for me so I have some pictures all in one place of my pregnancy, so bear with me!
18 weeks
The night before we left for Green Bay.
When I thought for sure I was huge and showing. Yea right.

19 weeks

20 weeks
Finally had to take out my belly button piercing
21 Weeks
The "It's a Boy" picture...

21 weeks
Face and Arms

21 Weeks
I finally felt some strong kicks the morning of our anatomy ultrasound. I had been feeling some really small ones for a while but that morning they were very strong!

23 weeks
In Telluride

 23 week belly

After I got home from Telluride, Travis was finally able to feel the kicks from the outside.  

24 Weeks

At 25 weeks I had my blood glucose test, and minus the sitting and waiting for an hour after forgetting my book, it wasn't bad. They said no news is good news and I haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming I'm good to go.
25 weeks

25 week belly
26 Weeks
The kicks are constant and very strong now. Just in the last few days they almost make me jump how strong and sudden they come. There has also been some pushing out of body parts, especially 1st thing in the morning. It's not just a kick anymore, its something pushing out of my belly and staying there... This kinda freaks Travis out :)
Hopefully I will do a better job of updating this in the future... although who knows cause you can see how long using my cute chalkboard lasted :)

1 comment:

  1. So jealous you went to Telluride last year! And these pictures are too cute! One of my biggest pregnancy regrets is I took maybe 5 bump pictures all throughout my pregnancy, you will forever treasure these!
